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Komparasi Metode Location Based Service dan Haversine pada Perancangan Sistem Informasi SMART Absensi Guru dan Karyawan pada SMA Kristen ELIM
Perancangan sistem informasi smart absensi menjadi kebutuhan mendesak bagi institusi pendidikan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan akurasi pencatatan kehadiran guru dan karyawan. Penelitian ini membahas komparasi antara dua metode utama, yaitu Location Based Service (LBS) dan Haversine, dalam pengembangan sistem absensi di SMA Kristen Elim. Metode LBS menggunakan teknologi GPS untuk menentukan lokasi pengguna secara real-time, sementara metode Haversine menghitung jarak berdasarkan koordinat geografis. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa metode LBS lebih akurat dalam menentukan lokasi, namun memiliki keterbatasan dalam konsumsi daya dan ketergantungan pada sinyal GPS. Sebaliknya, metode Haversine lebih efisien dalam komputasi dan penggunaan daya, namun akurasinya dipengaruhi oleh kualitas data koordinat. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menyarankan integrasi kedua metode untuk mengoptimalkan sistem smart absensi di SMA Kristen Elim.
Kata Kunci: Location Based Service, Haversine, Sistem Informasi, Smart Absensi, GPS, Efisiensi, Akurasi, SMA Kristen Elim
The design of a smart attendance information system is an urgent need for educational institutions to improve the efficiency and accuracy of recording teacher and employee attendance. This study discusses the comparison between two main methods, namely Location Based Service (LBS) and Haversine, in developing an attendance system at Elim Christian High School. The LBS method uses GPS technology to determine the user's location in real-time, while the Haversine method calculates the distance based on geographic coordinates. The trial results show that the LBS method is more accurate in determining location, but has limitations in power consumption and dependence on GPS signals. In contrast, the Haversine method is more efficient in computing and power usage, but its accuracy is affected by the quality of the coordinate data. The conclusion of this study suggests the integration of both methods to optimize the smart attendance system at Elim Christian High School.
Keywords: Location Based Service, Haversine, Information System, Smart Attendance, GPS, Efficiency, Accuracy, Elim Christian High School
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