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Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Bantuan Kelompok Tani Berbasis Website
Kelompok Tani adalah perkumpulan para petani yang terdiri dari ketua dan anggota, yang memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian serta taraf hidup para petani khususnya di kelompok tani. Kendala yang terjadi saat ini yaitu hanya sebagian petani dapat bantuan. Banyak kelompok tani yang seharusnya layak mendapat bantuan tetapi tidak memperoleh bantuan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut makan dirancang sistem untuk menampilkan informasi informasi ketersediaan bahan baku meliputi nama bahan, stok dan kebutuhan, lalu hasil produksi meliputi nama produksi, hasil produk dan minimun hasil produksi serta kondisi alat meliputi nama alat, kondisi alat dan keterangan tambahan kondisi alat pertanian lalu informasi kebutuhan keuangan meliputi sumber dana dan nominal melalui sistem berbasis web. Hasilnya yaitu sistem berbasis web yang dirancang dapat membantu Ketua Kelompok Tani untuk memonitoring bantuan yang dibagikan kepada para anggota kelompok tani di desa Lebang Kecamatan Cendana Kabupaten Enrekang dan Sistem berbasis web dapat dapat menyajikan rekap data kondisi alat, bahan baku, hasil produksi dan kondisi keuangan sehingga dapat mempermudah memilih jenis bantuan kepada petani.
Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Monitoring, Bantuan Pertanian, Web.
Farmer's Group is an association of farmers consisting of a chairman and members, which has the aim of increasing agricultural yields and the standard of living of farmers, especially in farmer groups. The current problem is that only some farmers can get help. Many farmer groups that should have deserved assistance but did not receive assistance. To overcome this, a system is designed to display information on the availability of raw materials including the name of the material, stock and needs, then the production results include the name of the production, the product yield and minimum production yield as well as the condition of the tool including the name of the tool, the condition of the tool and additional information on the condition of the agricultural equipment. then information on financial needs includes sources of funds and nominal through a web-based system. The result is a web-based system that is designed to help the Head of Farmer Groups to monitor the assistance distributed to members of farmer groups in Lebang Village, Cendana District, Enrekang Regency and a web-based system can present a data recap on the condition of tools, raw materials, production results and financial conditions so that can make it easier to choose the type of assistance to farmers.
Keywords: Monitoring Information System, Agricultural Assistance, Web.
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